Bad Memories

Game: Bad Memories Free Download

CAUTION! This is an adult only NSFW game!


Years ago you left your hometown after some bad events happened and you swore to never come back. As time goes by you manage to build a normal, even successful life and all the bad memories start to faint.

One day you get the chance of your life, the opportunity to work for one of the most successful companys on the market. You made a name over the years and they are ready to give you an insane amount of monthly payment (by your standards) for your work and the best thing is, you only need to visit the office once or twice a week at call. But of course there is a downside: They want you to move to the location of their office to be there as quick as possible when they call, and of course their office is in your old hometown…

About the game:

While the story can be heavy from time to time, the main focus is to tell a unique, mysterious, heartwarming, sexy, funny and sometimes really cute tale, about how life can change things and most importantly: people!

You can choose between male and female protagonist. While the male protag is hetero, the female protag is lesbian only!

The game has 4 main girls and currently 3 side characters.

This is planned as a harem game, but I’ve included a few options to avoid some later scenes (not that it’s really necessary).

The game contains high quality images/renders and animations. I always do my best to maintain the highest possible quality within a reasonable production time.

A warning: Following the story, you’ll be confronted with bad memories, there aren’t many, but a few of them are heavy. They are essential for the story, but might be too heavy for some people, so I decided against visualizing them, and make them text only.

For MAC users:

If the game won’t run, open the internal executable:
show package content on app – contents – macOS – open badmemories executable file
Open the terminal.

Paste (with a space at the end):
xattr -dr
Drag the app onto the terminal, so you get something like xattr -dr /Users/<username>/Games/BadMemories/

Run that command. The app should now open properly every time without needing to locate and run the internal executable.
Please note that I don’t have a mac myself, all of the above is gathered from comments of other people who played the game on mac.

There’s also a standalone osx version now 😉

Development log

  • Quick fix for animations not playing
  • Update 0.8.5
  • Welp…
  • Save file fix and Mac standalone
  • Update 0.8 is finally here!
  • 0.7.6 bug fix
  • 0.7.5 is life!
  • Another small update

Free Download Bad Memories Game
Full Game, latest version. Download for Free!

Game: Our Apartment Free Download Info

Game Bad Memories sets a new standard in the realm of adult gaming, offering players an unparalleled experience that blends engaging gameplay with a captivating storyline. Safety is a cornerstone of Bad Memories, with each file rigorously scanned using VirusTotal to ensure it is free from malware and viruses. This meticulous approach to security means that when you FREE download Bad Memories, you're not just getting an exceptional game; you're also ensuring the safety of your device and personal data.

The convenience of accessing Bad Memories for free is noteworthy. The game comes pre-installed, eliminating the need for a lengthy setup process and allowing players to immerse themselves in its world without any delays. This user-friendly feature underscores the commitment to providing a seamless gaming experience, making game accessible to both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike.

Bad Memories is renowned for its immersive role-playing elements, strategic depth, and high-quality graphics, making it a standout in the adult gaming category. Its unique storyline engages players from the outset, drawing them into a meticulously crafted world filled with intriguing characters and complex narratives. The game's ability to combine adult themes with compelling gameplay ensures a rich and satisfying experience.

In summary, Bad Memories excels in delivering a safe, accessible, and deeply engaging gaming experience. Its commitment to security, coupled with the ease of installation and a rich narrative, makes Bad Memories a must-play for enthusiasts of adult gaming. With its place secured among the top titles in the genre, Bad Memories continues to captivate and entertain players, promising hours of immersive gameplay.