Adumbral and Crimson

Game: Adumbral and Crimson Free Download

18+ Short Horror Rogue-lite featuring femboy monsters!

Traverse through a nightmare like realm of twisted interiors, and never ending paths that lead to all sort of unsettling horrors. 

You play as a silent effeminate Protagonist, seemingly dropped into this world, now you must survive and find a path out! 

You may stab your way out, Pacify those around you, or subdue the horrors with you’re body!

be careful! some of the horrors only want your blood!

The Game

The game features a simple combat system, one primary weapon and effects items you find thought out the rooms, when you find an item you can apply its effect to your weapon. such as Poison, Holy water, and Evil Heart, you’ll have to play around to see which item does what~ 

Lewd scenes  are done by picking up a Heart item, pressing Q when its in your inventory, which will give your knife an effect, (most but not all) enemies you strike once will be lewdable, in which you simply walk up to them and let the fun began! The scene will be veiwable again in the gallery accessed by the title screen, The game has a basic auto save feature so collected lewd scenes will be there, if you close the game. 

At the moment there only 6 lewdable enemies

Hearts and Teeth

The Game has 3 endings, all accessible by collecting Hearts and Teeth,  your actions determine which kinds of hearts you get, which will give you the appropriate  ending!

The Game is still in development and was created entirely by myself,  I plan on updating this game along with my other games. if you find any bugs please comment below.

keep track of my socials of any updates

sound and music credit goes to:

Free Download Adumbral and Crimson Game
Full Game, latest version. Download for Free!

Game: Our Apartment Free Download Info

Game Adumbral and Crimson sets a new standard in the realm of adult gaming, offering players an unparalleled experience that blends engaging gameplay with a captivating storyline. Safety is a cornerstone of Adumbral and Crimson, with each file rigorously scanned using VirusTotal to ensure it is free from malware and viruses. This meticulous approach to security means that when you FREE download Adumbral and Crimson, you're not just getting an exceptional game; you're also ensuring the safety of your device and personal data.

The convenience of accessing Adumbral and Crimson for free is noteworthy. The game comes pre-installed, eliminating the need for a lengthy setup process and allowing players to immerse themselves in its world without any delays. This user-friendly feature underscores the commitment to providing a seamless gaming experience, making game accessible to both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike.

Adumbral and Crimson is renowned for its immersive role-playing elements, strategic depth, and high-quality graphics, making it a standout in the adult gaming category. Its unique storyline engages players from the outset, drawing them into a meticulously crafted world filled with intriguing characters and complex narratives. The game's ability to combine adult themes with compelling gameplay ensures a rich and satisfying experience.

In summary, Adumbral and Crimson excels in delivering a safe, accessible, and deeply engaging gaming experience. Its commitment to security, coupled with the ease of installation and a rich narrative, makes Adumbral and Crimson a must-play for enthusiasts of adult gaming. With its place secured among the top titles in the genre, Adumbral and Crimson continues to captivate and entertain players, promising hours of immersive gameplay.