Courtin' Cowboys

Game: Courtin' Cowboys Free Download

18+ This game contains depictions of violence, sex, and other disturbing topics.


It’s 1863 and you, the player, are traveling through the small western town of Summerfair, deciding to stay a night at the local inn before continuing on your way. Explore the town, meet new people, and find out the secrets of this small town and its people! 

The game has a cast of 7 dateable townspeople!

  • Magnolia, the dancer! A sweet woman who works at the saloon!
  • Florence, the sheriff from one town over, who visits the town on weekends.
  • Dijon, the shepherd, who guards the local sheep!
  • Jade, the bold farmhand with a cold exterior!
  • Will, the strange loner who frequents the woods!
  • Jak, the large brutish drunk!
  • Jed, Summerfair’s tough sheriff!


Nsfw themes are toggleable, removing visual and descriptive depictions of sexual activity and heavy gore.

Florence Will Dijon Bastard Jak
Gun Violence
Implied Religious Themes
Implied necrophilia
Human Remains
Implied Religious Themes
Implied Somnophilia
Mild Drug Use
Gun Violence
Alcohol Use

This game during nsfw mode contains:

Graphic Imagery, Nudity, and Sex. Violence.


  • 7 Dateable NPCs
  • Fishing Minigame
  • Picking Berries
  • Over 30 Cooking Recipes
  • Catching Snakes Minigame
  • Item Storage and Shopping
  • Complete Character customization including gender, pp parts, and more!
  • An outfit catalogue of over 60 custom outfits
  • Over 40 Achievements!

Contains over 60k words!

This game is intended for the player to experiment! Try new things! Have a good time and explore- Have fun 😀 This is not a typical dating sim!

Talk to the innkeeper and use code “beta” to unlock more outfits!

Interested in the soundtrack?

Available on Spotify, ITunes, Apple Music, and Pandora!



– Artwork, Coding, Story, and more!


 – Major Development and Coding!


Bonecandy – Story for Dijon and Jade!!

Sidney – Creator of Amon, The Innkeeper

King – Creator of the Bartender

Free Download Courtin' Cowboys Game
Full Game, latest version. Download for Free!

Game: Our Apartment Free Download Info

Game Courtin' Cowboys sets a new standard in the realm of adult gaming, offering players an unparalleled experience that blends engaging gameplay with a captivating storyline. Safety is a cornerstone of Courtin' Cowboys, with each file rigorously scanned using VirusTotal to ensure it is free from malware and viruses. This meticulous approach to security means that when you FREE download Courtin' Cowboys, you're not just getting an exceptional game; you're also ensuring the safety of your device and personal data.

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Courtin' Cowboys is renowned for its immersive role-playing elements, strategic depth, and high-quality graphics, making it a standout in the adult gaming category. Its unique storyline engages players from the outset, drawing them into a meticulously crafted world filled with intriguing characters and complex narratives. The game's ability to combine adult themes with compelling gameplay ensures a rich and satisfying experience.

In summary, Courtin' Cowboys excels in delivering a safe, accessible, and deeply engaging gaming experience. Its commitment to security, coupled with the ease of installation and a rich narrative, makes Courtin' Cowboys a must-play for enthusiasts of adult gaming. With its place secured among the top titles in the genre, Courtin' Cowboys continues to captivate and entertain players, promising hours of immersive gameplay.