Game: Midnight Ride Free Download
Midnight Ride
Steam Key for Midnight Ride is included with a purchase
Serena ended up all alone in the middle of nowhere… in the dead of the night.
Can you get her home unmolested?
While coming home from a Party, Serena had a fight with her boyfriend, leaving her alone and stranded on the side of the road.
To top it all off, it was the middle of the night.
Stuck, with no other way to get home, she needs to put her trust in complete strangers, and hope that she makes the right choices.
Some will be innocent and some will just want her to think that they are. Not falling for their deceit is the only way for Serena to get home safely.
The game is guided completely by the decisions made during the night. Serena can choose any of the rides that stop, each one having its own risks, rewards and endings.
With 7 different endings, almost 700 renders and more than 10 thousand words the game has many paths to be explored and conquered.
- You can replay any path and decision you discovered by selecting it on the Roadmap in the Extras menu.
- Visit the Gallery in the Extras menu to check out all the scenes you unlocked during your gameplay. Can you find them all?
- The text speed and auto delay can be adjusted in the Settings menu.
- Use the Skip/Auto button in-game to automatically advance the dialogue without clicking each time or hold down CTRL for the same effect.
- Steam Key for Midnight Ride is included with a purchase.
Where to get steam key after purchase.
Buy Additional Downloadable Content
Midnight Ride – Storyteller DLC
Midnight Ride – Galactic Detour DLC
Midnight Ride – DLC Season Pass
All digital characters depicted in this game are 18+
Uma Chave Steam para Midnight Ride está incluída na compra
Serena acabou sozinha no meio do nada… e no meio da noite.
Você consegue fazê-la chegar em casa sem ser molestada?
Enquanto voltava pra casa de uma festa, Serena acabou brigando com seu namorado, que a deixou sozinha e abandonada na beira da estrada.
Pra piorar a situação, isso aconteceu no meio da noite.
Sem nenhuma outra forma de chegar em casa, ela precisa confiar em completos estranhos, e torcer para tomar as decisões corretas.
Alguns serão inocentes enquanto outros vão tentar fingir que são. Não cair nas artimanhas é a única maneira para a Serena chegar em casa sã e salva.
O jogo é guiado por completo pelas decisões tomadas durante a noite. Serena pode escolher qualquer carona que parar, cada uma contendo seus próprios riscos, recompensas e finais.
Com 7 finais diferentes, quase 700 imagens renderizadas e mais de 10 mil palavras o jogo possui muitos caminhos para serem explorados e conquistados.
- Você pode jogar novamente qualquer rota ou decisão que você descobriu selecionando o Mapa da Estrada no menu de Extras.
- Visite a Galeria no menu Extras para ver todas as cenas desbloqueadas durante o seu jogo. Consegue liberar todas?
- A velocidade de texto e o atraso automático podem ser ajustados no menu de Configurações.
- Use o botão de Avançar/Automático no jogo para automaticamente avançar o diálogo sem precisar clicar, ou segure CTRL para ter o mesmo efeito.
- Uma Chave Steam para Midnight Ride está incluída na compra.
Aonde resgatar a Chave Steam após a compra.
Adquira Conteúdo Adicional – DLC
Midnight Ride – A Contadora de Histórias DLC
Midnight Ride – Desvio Galáctico DLC
Midnight Ride – DLC Passe de Temporada
Todos os personagens representados no jogo são maiores de 18.
Steam Key für Midnight Ride ist beim Kauf inkludiert.
Serena ist nachts ganz alleine irgendwo im Nirgendwo gestrandet.
Schaffst du es, sie unbehelligt nach Hause zu bringen?
Während der Heimfahrt von einer Party hat Serena einen Streit mit ihrem Freund, wodurch sie am Ende auf der Straße landet.
Wäre das nicht schon schlimm genug, ist es auch noch mitten in der Nacht.
Gestrandet und ohne andere Möglichkeiten nach Hause zu kommen, muss Serena sich wildfremden Menschen anvertrauen und die richtige Wahl treffen.
Einige von ihnen sind harmlos, doch andere wiederum erwecken nur den Anschein, es gut mit ihr zu meinen.
Um unbeschadet nach Hause zu kommen, muss sie die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen.
Der Spielverlauf wird komplett von den jeweiligen Entscheidungen gesteuert. Serena kann zwischen allen Mitfahrangeboten wählen, jedes Angebot kommt mit eigenen Risiken, Belohnungen und Endungen.
Mit 7 verschiedenen Enden, knapp 700 hochqualitativen Bildern und über 10.000 Wörtern bietet dieses Spiel viele Entdeckungsmöglichkeiten.
- Alle entdeckten Routen und Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten können über den Routenplan im Menü Extras wiederholt werden.
- Das Album im Menü Extras zeigt die freigeschalteten Szenen. Schon alle gefunden?
- Die Textgeschwindigkeit und automatische Verzögerung kann im Menü Optionen angepasst werden.
- Mit der Skip/Auto Schaltfläche kann das Spiel automatisch fortlaufen ohne immer wieder klicken zu müssen. Die Taste STRG hat die gleiche Funktion.
- Steam Key für Midnight Ride ist beim Kauf inkludiert.
So bekommt ihr den Key.
Zusätzliche Inhalte
Midnight Ride – Geschichtenerzählerin DLC
Midnight Ride – Galaktischer Umweg DLC
Midnight Ride – DLC Season Pass
Alle dargestellten digitalen Personen sind 18+
Development log
- New Free Halloween DLC!
Oct 28, 2020
- Patch 1.0.3
Apr 19, 2020
- HOTFIX 1.0.2
Apr 12, 2020
- Full Game Release!
Apr 12, 2020
- Stay at Home – Discount
Mar 22, 2020
- Halloween Sale
Oct 23, 2019
- WIP2.3.1 – Patch
Jul 05, 2019
- WIP 2.3 – Patch
Jul 03, 2019
Free Download Midnight Ride Game
Full Game, latest version. Download for Free!
Game: Our Apartment Free Download Info
Game Midnight Ride sets a new standard in the realm of adult gaming, offering players an unparalleled experience that blends engaging gameplay with a captivating storyline. Safety is a cornerstone of Midnight Ride, with each file rigorously scanned using VirusTotal to ensure it is free from malware and viruses. This meticulous approach to security means that when you FREE download Midnight Ride, you're not just getting an exceptional game; you're also ensuring the safety of your device and personal data.The convenience of accessing Midnight Ride for free is noteworthy. The game comes pre-installed, eliminating the need for a lengthy setup process and allowing players to immerse themselves in its world without any delays. This user-friendly feature underscores the commitment to providing a seamless gaming experience, making game accessible to both seasoned gamers and newcomers alike.
Midnight Ride is renowned for its immersive role-playing elements, strategic depth, and high-quality graphics, making it a standout in the adult gaming category. Its unique storyline engages players from the outset, drawing them into a meticulously crafted world filled with intriguing characters and complex narratives. The game's ability to combine adult themes with compelling gameplay ensures a rich and satisfying experience.
In summary, Midnight Ride excels in delivering a safe, accessible, and deeply engaging gaming experience. Its commitment to security, coupled with the ease of installation and a rich narrative, makes Midnight Ride a must-play for enthusiasts of adult gaming. With its place secured among the top titles in the genre, Midnight Ride continues to captivate and entertain players, promising hours of immersive gameplay.